Sunday 27 March 2011

World Forestry Day Observed

March 21st was World Forest Day - but if you didn't go out and hug a tree, you can still go and do so - because it's also international year of the forests.

In Belize - where 36% of our territory is under protection, the day was commemorated at the Louisiana Palmar Nature Park in Orange Walk Town where Chief Forestry Officer Wilbur Sabido outlined the theme for the year's observance:

Wilbur Sabido, Chief Forestry Officer
"Nationally, our national theme for this international year of forest is "Forest for People". What we've done is really to try and commemorate both events in one and so today we gather here to plant our national tree."

Hon. Gaspar Vega, Minister of Natural Resources
"Our ministry of natural resources and the environment felt it practical to have the greening take place in our own back yard. But this is also the launch of our re-forestation initiative in the fresh water creek forest reserve. A commitment I made when the ministry issued medium term licenses in the reserve. The licensees will work with the forest department to replant log and hurricane impacted areas in the reserve."

The Forestry Department plans to do tours, competitions and other events to mark the year of forests.

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